Dimelo met with Ahmed Fati, Head of Customer Relations 2.0 at Hello bank!, and Clément Pellissier, Social Media Customer Adviser.

ahmed fati bnp paribas dimelo

Ahmed Fati
Head of Customer Relations 2.0,
Hello bank!

clément pellissier bnp paribas hello bank dimelo

Clément Pellissier
Social Media Customer Adviser,
Hello bank!

Tell us about a customer experience that stands out for you…

Clément: This summer, my flight was cancelled last minute and there was no counter for the company at the airport. They just gave me a phone number to call to be put on another flight the following day. When I called, a machine asked me to call back the next day when they opened… So I straight away started up a conversation on Twitter with the airline. They got back to me in 30 minutes with a solution. In the end they even gave me an upgrade! It’s yet another sign that nowadays social media is an ideal Customer Relations channel for problems that require a quick solution from a distance.

What are the social media Customer Relations challenges at Hello bank!?

Ahmed: The flow of customer interaction is constantly increasing on social media and on the help forum dedicated to prospects and new accounts. At Hello bank!, we therefore do everything we can to be as reactive as possible in our responses. It is also important for us to make our clients loyal and to encourage recommendations, in this hyper-competitive environment. Finally, we put emphasis on promoting self-care and the use of our mobile apps to make our clients more self-sufficient.

How are your customer services and social media teams organised?

Ahmed: Hello bank!’s customer services are split into two teams. The first is responsible for supporting the customer or prospect over the course of their experience on the following channels: Facebook, Twitter, our forum: HelloYou!, and, recently, on external forums. The second team, which is integrated into the marketing department, is in charge of promoting the brand on a wider range of social networks (including YouTube, Instagram, etc.).

Do you use Dimelo to manage customer interactions on these channels?

Ahmed: Yes – Dimelo has been a partner of Hello bank! since its creation in 2013. We centralise all messages from social networks and from the HelloYou! forum on the Dimelo platform. The interface is really intuitive, so new advisers get the hang of the console very quickly. Another strength of the platform is the statistics menu. All the reporting part and real-time customer satisfaction tracking is ideal and enables us to constantly improve our performance.

What are your KPIs? Do you have service commitments?

Ahmed: We do our best to respond on Facebook in less than 2 hours and on Twitter in less than an hour. In terms of indicators, a high customer satisfaction rating is an excellent sign. We also keep a keen eye on the contact rate* (90% on social media and 100% on the HelloYou! forum). Beyond these indicators, we commit to guaranteeing a high level of banking and financial expertise. Our social media experts have all also been trained in financial advising. Today, thanks to Dimelo, 80% of issues are resolved at first contact.

*contact rate: Percentage of conversations with at least one contribution from an adviser in relation to the total volume of conversations.

Find out about the Hello bank! Success Story

Originally published Sep 20, 2016, updated Mar 04, 2025